China LIJIE offers customised clothing tags at US $0.04, super cheap wholesale clothing tags, 100% factory for sale, metal and paper material are available for customisation. The factory is located in Shantou, Guangdong, China, with 15,000 square metres and can daily 100,000 garment tags, customers can also place orders through our official Alibaba channel.
LIJIE is a Chinese manufacturer that offers customized clothing hangtag services. Whether you need customization in terms of size, material, form, or design of clothing labels, LIJIE can meet your needs. Whether it's sewn, ironed, woven, or printed labels, LIJIE can provide them. We can create custom labels with brand logos, names, sizes, prices, and other information according to your requirements.
Hang Tags for Clothing Q&A
How much does it cost to make garment tags?
I believe you have already compared the prices on the internet, most of them need to start from $1.2; however, if you place an order with us, our price for the same quality of garment tags is 1 times lower than the outside, which is only $0.09 - $0.5 (shipping cost is not included).
What materials are used for garment tags?
TPU, ribbon, cotton, satin, nylon, polyester, taffeta, canvas, tape and leather. They come in all shapes and sizes and include care or wash labels, size labels and more.
How do I put labels on clothes I want to sell?
Use safety pins to attach price tags to care labels or side seams. Safety pins are useful if you have a limited supply and need to label items quickly. Place the price tag on top of the care label and thread the safety pin through both tags. Make sure the safety pin is closed.
Can I sell clothes without tags?
It is generally legal to resell clothing without brand labels, but you need to understand that the legality of doing so will depend on the specific laws of the country or state in which the clothing is being sold.
Where is the best place to put a tag on a garment?
You should only put the tag through the seam on the sleeve, the care label, the inside of the neckline seam (not through the shirt, only through the seam!) ), under the armpit of the sleeve or through the collar of the t-shirt.
What is the best size for the tag?
2" x 3.5" is the same size as a standard business card. 2" x 4" Slightly longer than the previous one. 2.5" x 2.5" presents a square shape, which helps to emphasise the logo or central image.